Z. Pan (Zixin)
Promovendus - Organisatieontwerp & Ontwikkeling
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Zixin Pan is a PhD candidate at the chair of Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship since April 2023. She contributes to the project on “Online Labour Markets (The Gig Economy)”, funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant of the European Union.
Zixin has previously completed her bachelor’s degree in international economics and trade at Henan University in China and her master’s degree in economics at University of Bonn in Germany.
Before joining Radboud University, she also worked as a student research assistant at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) in Germany for 1 year and developed a lot of data analysis capabilities there.
Her research focuses on examining how gig workers perform in online labour markets and building novel, large-N data beyond a single platform.