dr. E. Poljac (Edita)

Lid - Ondernemingsraad
Hoofd - Radboud Honours Academy

dr. E. Poljac (Edita)
Werkdagen maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag

Throughout my academic career, I have been connecting my research interests with my passion for teaching, trying to encourage people around me to nourish their natural curiosity and their urge for understanding the world around them. In more recent years, my work started increasingly focussing on development and coordination of larger projects and collaborations, in which various stakeholders with different backgrounds work together towards a common goal. Here I discovered how challenging yet rewarding it is to be involved in background steering and assistance of the process of turning ideas of many into actual tangible products meant to be beneficial to our society. Currently, I work as the head of the Radboud Honours Academy (www.ru.nl/honoursacademy), which facilitates highly motivated and talented students with different backgrounds to work together on various academic and timely societal topics. In this process, our Honours students are actively shaping the new ways of education and learning, preparing for their role of becoming engaged world citizens of tomorrow.

Recently I have joined the RU Works Council. In this role, I hope to contribute to a more active, university-wide effort that will help Radboud University to leverage more optimally the potential that the diversity in the workplace contains.
