dr. M. Shahsavari (Mahyar)
Universitair docent - Artificiële intelligentie
Universitair docent - Donders Centre for Cognition
Universitair docent - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
- mahyar.shahsavari@ru.nl
- mahyar.shahsavari@donders.ru.nl
Thomas van Aquinostraat 4
Postbus 9104
Mahyar is an Assistant Professor at Artificial Intelligence (AI) group at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior. Mahyar previously was a research associate PostDoc at Imperial College London working on neuromorphic computing using parallel architectures, e.g., FPGAs. He was a PhD intern by Samsung at UK working on Machine learning deployment into android devices. He achieved a Master/Post-master at TUDelft and a PhD in Computer Science at CNRS, Lille University of Technology, where he developed a simulation platform for a Spiking Neural Network using the model of a memristor nanodevice as an artificial synapse.
He is interested in understanding the way brain operates and performs computation to mimic on computing machine. He worked on an artificial synapse that can remember and forget, which outperforms the artificial synapse that can only remember the last events. His research interests include neuromorphic computing, cognitive, brain-like and unconventional computing, machine learning applications running on novel architectures such as reconfigurable and parallel platforms. He likes swimming at nature, playing football and violin.