prof. dr. J.M. Vink (Jacqueline)

Hoogleraar - Behavioural Science Institute
Hoogleraar - Orthopedagogiek: Gezin en Gedrag

prof. dr. J.M. Vink (Jacqueline)

Thomas van Aquinostraat 4


Postbus 9104

Werkdagen maandag, dinsdag, woensdagochtend, donderdag, vrijdag

After working for a few years as research assistant at the IVF centre of the VU medical centre, my scientific journey really started with my PhD project “A twin-family study of smoking behaviour” at the Department of Biological Psychology of the VU. I defended my thesis in 2004. In 2006 I received a personal VENI grant which gave me the opportunity to explore the causes and consequences of smoking behaviour and nicotine addiction. During that project and thanks to developments in literature I realized there is (genetic) overlap in different addictive behaviours and therefore I broadened my focus to the use of other substances as well. My ERC Starting grant entitled ‘Beyond the genetics of addiction” (2011) gave me the opportunity to explore gene-environment interplay and studying the health consequences of substance use. My personal career moved from postdoc (2004), to assistant professor (2005), associate professor (2011) and full professor (2014, FDL chair: Genetics & Addictive Behavior)) at the VU. In 2015 I moved to my current full professor position at the Behavioural Science Institute of the Radboud University. Here I established the Substance use, Addiction and Food (SAF) group within our Developmental Psychopathology (DP) research program and I became program leader of the whole DP-group (2019).
My current research is broadened from exploring genetic factors for substance use and eating behavior to a broader perspective including more contextual factors in explaining substance use (alcohol, smoking, drugs) and eating behavior. In 2020 I started the Healthy Student Life project together with prof. Sabine Geurts to investigate student wellbeing (including their substance use and lifestyle). A new project will focus on (reducing) alcohol use in university student.

-Recente ontwikkelingen in Risicogedrag (Ma PW)
-Thesis supervision (Ma PW /RM Behavioural Science)
-Psychobiology of Behavior (RM Behavioural Science)

Onderzoeksthema Onderzoeksgroep


Onderzoeksbeurzen en -prijzen



Jacqueline Vink onderzoekt verslavingen zoals middelenmisbruik (alcohol, roken en drugs) en eetgedrag. Welke invloed hebben zowel onze genen, onze hersenen en onze omgeving hierop? Met deze kennis ontwikkelt ze programma’s voor preventie en interventie bij verslaving.