dr. A. Wigger (Angela)
Universitair hoofddocent - Internationale Betrekkingen
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Angela Wigger is specialised in the discipline of Global Political Economy, and researches capitalist crises and responses from a historical materialist perspective. Focal points are the geopolitics of EU industrial and antitrust policy, its financing, industrial re-shoring attempts, the "competitiveness" fetish, internal devaluation and debt-led accumulation in the age of rentier capitalism.
Angela co-edits the book series Progress in Political Economy (PPE), the journal Capital&Class, and chairs the supervisory board of the Centre for Research of Multinational Corporations (SOMO).
Angela wrote "The Politics of European Competition Regulation. A Critical Political Economy Perspective" (with H.Buch-Hansen, Routledge) and published in journals like New Political Economy, New Political Science, RIPE, JCMS, Economy&Society, Globalizations, Geoforum, Capital&Class, Ephemera, Global Political Economy, Politics and Governance, and many more. Her PhD was titled Competition for Competitiveness. The Politics of Transformation of the EU Competition Regime (2008).
Recent work:
2024: The New EU Industrial Policy: Opening Up New Frontiers for Financial Capital. Politics and Governance 12(8192): 1-16.
2024: The New EU Industrial Policy and the Hidden Costs of Crowding in Private Investors. transform!Europe.
2023: Critical and Feminist European Political Economy. In: European Political Economy. Theoretical Approaches, Issue Areas, and Policy Challenges. With L. Horn.
2023: Historical Materialism. In: Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy.
2023: The new EU industrial policy and deepening structural asymmetries: Smart Specialisation not so smart. JCMS 61(1): 20-37.
2022: Continuing to fight the beast of the apocalypse: Reasons for a critical political economy perspective. Global Political Economy 1(1):188–96.
2022: Housing as a site of accumulation in Amsterdam and the creation of surplus populations. Geoforum 126(November): 451-460.
- Capitalism, Crises, Industrial Policy and Debt-Led Accumulation