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Programme and Learning Outcomes

French linguistics introduces you to research currently carried out in the French department, where one of the main centres of interest is the linguistics exploitation and exploration of the international PFC corpus. The course related to this topic focuses on the main phonological and phonetic aspects of modern French. It will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of several empirical sources and methodological issues will be addressed. Oral language corpora offer a valuable source of authentic data, illustrating, for instance, stylistic and geographical variation. You will conduct your own small research project on one of the phonetic/phonological phenomena addressed by gathering data from the PFC corpus. There are two obligatory courses for students in French linguistics  (Corpus de français parlé and Topiques de la linguistique française). In addition, Methods in Language Research is obligatory for students without any background in statistics. You will further take courses from the general programme and/or an internship, and you will conclude the study with a thesis in French.

If your master program contains 40 credits in French, then it gives access to the educational master ‘Frans', see