List of priority and elective courses
Below are lists of priority and elective courses
Priority courses:
- Biochemistry – Molecular Biology II (6 ec)
- Celbiologie der dieren (6 ec)
- Functional genomics (6 ec)
- Genomics for health and environment (12 ec, waarvan 6 ec als prioriteitscursus)
- Immunology (6 ec)
- Medical biotechnology (6 ec)
- Molecular basis of disease (6 ec)
- Molecular principles of development (6 ec)
- Nanobiotechnology (6 ec)
- Neurobiology (6 ec)
- Neuroscience (6 ec)
- Organic chemistry (6 ec)
- Pharmacochemistry (6 ec)
- Project synthese biomoleculen (6 ec)
- Single-molecule studies (3 ec)
- Spectroscopy of biomolecules (6 ec)
- Structuur, functie en bioinformatica (6 ec)
- Synthesis of biomolecules (3 ec)
- Toxicology (6 ec)
- Vergelijkende genoomanalyse (3 ec)
- RNA Structure and function (6 ec) E (this is a new course in 2016-2017)
Limited choice electives
- Adaptatiefysiologie (6 ec)
- Biotechnology of plants (6 ec)
- Chemometrics (6 ec)
- Endocrinologie (6 ec)
- Evolutiebiologie (6 ec)
- Fysiologie van Mirco-organismen (6 ec)
- Genomics analysis of plants (6 ec)
- History of biology (3 ec)
- Hersenen en gedrag (6 ec)
- Human embryology & Developmental biology (6 ec)
- Humane en Ecologische risicobeoordeling (HERA) (6 ec)
- Medische pathologie (6 ec)
- Metal organic chemistry (3 ec)
- Neurobiofysica (6 ec)
- Neurodevelopment (6 ec)
- Neurofysiologie van cognitie en gedrag (6 ec)
- Pathofysiologie van de nier (6 ec)
- Physical organic chemistry (3 ec)
- Practicum Anorganische Chemie (3 ec)
- Practicum Synthese (organisch) (3 ec)
- Stereoselective synthesis (3 ec)
- Translational neurosciences (12 ec)