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Contact persons

Phone numbers that are mentioned usually look like this: (36)12345. This means: if you want to call this number from within the university, you only need to dial the last 5 numbers, 12345.  Calling from outside the university but from within Nijmegen, you include 36 at the beginning. Calling from outside Nijmegen, you should include the area code for Nijmegen: 024. Calling from abroad, please include the country code for The Netherlands, 0031. So a phone number when dialled from abroad will be: +31 24 36 12345.

The following information pertains to the Education Institute and programs for Computing and Information Sciences. More general information regarding the faculty and university facilities can be found on the general Prospectus Faculty of Science.

1. Board of the Education Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (OII)

Director of the Education Institute: Prof. dr. Tom Heskes
Curriculum coordinator for Bachelor Computing Science: Dr. Peter Achten
Curriculum coordinator for Master Computing Science: Dr. Erik Poll
Curriculum coordinator for Information Sciences: Prof. Dr. Th. van der Weide
Coordinator of studies and secretary of the board: Mw.drs. Vera Kamphuis
Studentassessor Computing Science: Thom Wiggers
Studentassessor Information Sciences: Rick Lukassen

E-mail address secretary: v.kamphuis@cs.ru.nl
E-mail adress student assessors: assessor@cs.ru.nl

2. Master's specialisation coordinators for Computing Science

Master's specialisation: Coordinator:
Data Science Prof. dr. Arjen de Vries
Mathematical Foundations of Computing Science Dr. Freek Wiedijk
Software Science Prof. dr. Ralf Hinze
TRU/e Security (Cybersecurity) Dr. Peter Schwabe

3. Examination Board for Computing and Information Sciences

Chairman: Prof.dr. Rinus Plasmejier
Secretary: Mw. Marlie Becks
Mw. Yella Kleijnen

Dr. Patrick van Bommel
Dr. Sjaak Smetsers

E-mail adress for the secretary: fnwi.examcies@science.ru.nl .

4. Programme Committee for Computing and Information Sciences

Chairman: Dr. Freek Wiedijk
Vice-chairman Rick Erkens
Secretary: Nicole Messink

Staff members:

Student members:

Dr. Lejla Batina
Dr. Engelbert Hubbers
Dr. Aleks Kissinger
Dr. Jurriaan Rot

Lennart Jansen Rick Erkens Wietse Kuipers Timo Maarse Frank Gerlings Abdullah Rasool

5. PR committee Computing and Information Sciences

Chairman: Dr. Erik Poll
Secretary: Mw. Marcha Jelissen

Prof.dr. Elena Marchiori
Dr. Pieter Koopman
Stijn Meijer (student)
Ties Robroek (student)

E-mail adress PR-committee:M.Jelissen@cs.ru.nl

6. Master Advisor for Computing and Information Sciences

Dr. Perry Groot
Office: HG 00.541
tel. (36)52037
e-mail: Perry.Groot@science.ru.nl

7. Contact person for studying abroad / international students
Computing and Information Sciences

International Office: io@science.ru.nl
Further information about studying abroad can be found on the webpage of International Office

Contact person for Erasmus scholarships for Computing and Information Sciences: dr. Janos Sarbo.

8.  Student association Thalia (for students of Computing and Information Sciences)

(as of September 1st, 2016)

Chairman: Abe Heemskerk

Serena Rietbergen


Kirsten Kingma

Contact person internal affairs: Jan Aarts
Contact person external affairs: Evi Sijben
Contact person educational affairs: Frank Gerlings

Website: www.thalia.nu