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Programme of Mathematical Physics

Master’s specialisation in Mathematical Physics

The Master’s specialisation in Mathematical Physics is taught at the Faculty of Science. It has a course load of 120 EC* (two years). In the standard research specialisation students must take a total of 24 EC of Mastermath courses (in the three societal specialisations this total consists of only 12 EC). Although the courses may differ per academic year, the core topics of Mathematical Physics remain rather constant.

The structure of your programme is as follows:

Type of course Course EC Time period
Compulsory courses

Lie Algebras OR
Lie Groups
Representation Theory
6 EC Year 1
Operator Algebras OR
Non-commutative Geometry
6 EC Year 1

Master Seminar

3 EC Year 1

Philosophy of Mathematics

3 EC Year 1 or 2
Major electives A total of 15 EC Year 1 & 2
Minor electives A total of 24 EC Year 1 & 2
Mathematical electives A total of 16 EC Year 1 & 2
Free electives A total of 6 EC Year 1 & 2

Professional Preparation

1 EC Year 1
Master's Thesis 40 EC Year 2

Major courses

Your Major courses are a self-selected set of courses that are related to the field of Mathematical Physics.

Minor courses

Your Minor courses are a self-determined set of coherent courses within Mathematics in general or even within another field of interest.

Mathematical electives

Mathematical electives are courses of choice within the field of Mathematics.

Free electives

Free electives are any courses, not necessarily within the field of Mathematics.

Please note

Your study advisor or the specialisation coordinator will help you choose your courses. The chosen set of courses will need to be approved by the Examination Board but in any case you will be able to construct a Master’s programme that suits your personal professional and academic interests.

Core topics of Mathematical Physics

In general, the core of the programme for the Mathematical Physics specialisation consists of the following topics, which are taught in courses either locally at the Radboud University or as part of the Mastermath programme:

  • Non-commutative Geometry
  • Quantum Groups
  • Operator Algebras
  • Group Theory and the Standard Model
  • Hamiltonian Mechanics
  • Algebraic Topology
  • Category Theory & Topos Theory
  • Lie Algebras
  • Lie Groups
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Symplectic Geometry
  • Functional Analysis
  • Analysis on Manifolds
  • Riemann Surfaces
  • Differential Geometry
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Dynamical Systems

* European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
The workload of an academic year is equivalent to 60 European credits (EC), where 1 EC point is 28 hours of study.