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Programme of Science and Education

In order to create a coherent programme contact the Mathematics student advisor Drs. Ina de Vries.

The specialisation Science and Education contains the following programme specific components:

A. Major, including a coherent set of components from one of the research specialisations 30 ec
B. Mathematical electives, to be approved by the Examination Board 20 ec
C. Philosophy course 3 ec
D. Professional Preparation 1 ec
E. Free elective 6 ec

Explanatory Details

A. Major (30 ec):

  • A coherent set of components from one research specialisations, as referred to in this Prospectus.

B. Mathematical electives (20 ec):

  • Mathematical electives, to be approved by the Examination Board.

C. Philosophy (3 ec)

D. Professional Preparation (1 ec)

  • Mandatory for all master students from cohort 2015 onwards.

E. Free electives (6 ec)

  • Not necessarily within mathematics.

All mathematics courses offerd in 2016/2017

Courses taught at the Radboud University:

  1. Combined bachelor's and master's course

Courses taught in MasterMath:

Fall 2016 Spring 2017
Algebraic Topology (8 ec) Operator Algebra (8 ec)
Intuitionistic Mathematics (8 ec)
Advanced Combinatorics (8 ec) Advanced Linear Programming
Algebraic Geometry 1 (8 ec) Advanced Topics in Semidefinite Programming
Algebraic Number Theory (8 ec) Algebraic Geometry 2
Asymptotic Statistics (8 ec) Algebraic Methods in Combinatorics
Commutative Algebra (8 ec) Applied Finite Elements
Complex Geometry (8 ec) Applied Statistics
Complex Networks (8 ec) Bayesian Statistics
Continuous Optimization (6 ec) Coding Theory
Cryptology (5 ec) Elliptic Curves
Differential Geometry (8 ec) Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Discrete Optimization (6 ec) Mathematical Structures in Logic
Dynamical Systems (8 ec) Network Dynamics
Ergodic Theory (8 ec) Nonlinear Waves
Fourier Analysis and Distributions (8 ec) Numerical Methods for Time Dependent PDEs
Functional Analysis (8 ec) Partial Differential Equations
Galois Representations and Automorphic Forms (8 ec) Queueing Theory
Heuristic Methods in Operations Research (6 ec) Riemann Surfaces
Intensive course Categories & Modules (0 ec) Selected Areas in Cryptology
Measure-theoretic Probability (8 ec) Scheduling
Numerical Linear Algebra (8 ec) Stochastic Differential Equations
p-Adic Numbers and Applications (8 ec) Stochastic Processes
Parallel Algorithms (8 ec) Symplectic Geometry
Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics (8 ec) Time Series
Queues & Levy Fluctuation Theory (8 ec) Topological Methods for nonlinear differential equations
Set Theory (8 ec)
Systems and Control (6 ec)