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New procedure for registration of internships

Please note: since the 27th of March we are using a new system for handing in and assessing internship reports.

(This procedure only applies to internships, not to the 6 EC literature thesis!)

Please check which of the following situations is applicable to you:

  1. You are starting your internship after March 27th2017 and have not yet enrolled for the course in Osiris
  1. Enrol for one of the internship-courses in Osiris. There are several course-codes for several types of internships:
NWI-BM-STAGE1 First Master Research Internship
NWI-BM-STAGE2 Second Master Research Internship
NWI-BM-STAGEE1 First Master Research Internship for students that follow the Science and Education specialisation
NWI-BM-STAGES1 First Master Research Internship for students that follow either the SMI or the SIS specialisation.

Please note: if you switch specialisations during your master after finishing your first internship, there is no need to change the course-code of the registered internship.

  1. After registering in Osiris, you will receive an automatic email with a link to an enrolment form at your science email account. After receiving this mail, you have 1 month to complete the enrolment form. Contact your supervisor and fill out the form together. Please note that the form requires you to upload an internship plan, so make sure you have this plan available when filling in the form. In the internship plan (+/- 1 A4) you describe what you plan to do (research question and methods) and you provide a timeline for your project. Optionally, you may also include personal learning objectives.
  2. Perform your internship, write your report and give your presentation.
  3. Once you have completed your report, please upload the final version to http://thesissubmission.science.ru.nl.
  4. Your first supervisor will automatically receive an email with your report, the results of a plagiarism check, a link to the assessment form in LimeSurvey and a testimonium. In addition, he/she will receive a link for the assessment form for the second supervisor. Once your first and second supervisor have both assessed your report, and the testimonium is handed in at the Student Service Desk your final grade will be registered in Osiris.
  1. You have started your internship/thesis before March 27th2017 but have not yet enrolled in Osiris

Please follow the procedure as described above. Please note: even though you have already started, we still need you upload the internship plan, if you are almost finished, you can use a short abstract of your report instead.

  1. You have already enrolled in Osiris, but you have not yet completed your internship report/thesis on March 27th

You will automatically receive an email, asking you to complete the enrollment form (step 2 in the procedure mentioned above) and to follow the rest of the procedure. Please note: even though you have already started, we still need you upload the internship plan, if you are almost finished, you can use a short abstract of your report instead.

  1. You have already handed in your report before March 27th2017, and you have already received a grade

No further action is required. If you have any questions please contact your studyadvisor.