Programme of Neuroscience
The structure for the Master specialisation Neuroscience for the Master of Science in Medical Biology is:
- 24 ec mandatory courses:
- Trends in Medical Biosciences I (3 ec)
- Systems Neuroscience (3 ec)*
- Behavioural Neuroscience (3 ec)*
- Molecular and cellular Neurobiology (3ec)
- Trends in Medical Biosciences II (3 ec)
- Methods in Neuroscience (3 ec)*
- Systematic reviews in Neuroscience (6 ec)*
* these courses are the courses specifically belonging to this specialisation. You'll follow these courses together with students from other masterprogrammes such as Physics, Science and Molecular Life Sciences.
The other courses are compulsory courses for Medical Biology students
- 6 ec thesis
- 72 ec research internships (36 ec each)
- 15 ec free space for optional courses or internships (The selection of electives in this list is only limited, for a complete overview click here).
Choose at least 3 ec from the following list. The other 12 ec also be filled with other courses.- Advanced Adaptation Physiology (3 ec)
- Advanced Endocrinology (3 ec)
- Apoptosis (3 ec)
- Cellular Imaging in Four Dimensions (3 ec)
- Computation for Biologists (3 ec)
- Epigenomics in Health and Disease (3 ec)
- Human Fertility (3 ec, not in 16/17)
- Human Genetics (3 ec)
- Laboratory Animal Science (3 ec)
- Metabolism, Transport and Motility (3 ec)
- Mol.Asp. Host Def., Tissue Destruction and Repair (3 ec)
- Molecular Mechanisms of Novel Therapeutics (3 ec)
- Neurogenomics of Speech, Language and Reading Disorders (3 ec)
- Oncology (3 ec, not in 16/17)
- Principles of Systems Biology (3 ec)
- Proteïn Dynamics and Networks (3 ec)
- Protein Modification (3 ec)
- Systematic reviews of animal studies (3 ec)
- Working with Radionuclides Level 5B (2 ec)
- 3 ec Philosophy course