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Description of Chemistry for life

The Master specialisation Chemistry for Life offers education in connection with state-of-the-art research involving the design and synthesis of complex molecular systems to address challenging problems in chemical and physical biology. This specialisation sits firmly at the interface between chemistry and biology and will give you a solid grounding in modern synthetic organic chemistry, physical organic chemistry and chemical biology, but also an insight into the latest fluorescence and scanning probe microscopy tools.

The courses in the specialisation Chemistry for Life are strongly related to the research within two research institutes: The Institute for Molecules and Materials and the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences. Research internships are available in both institutes, but you can also go abroad, or to industry for one of the internships.

The specialisation programme comprises five mandatory courses (15 ec) and one specialisation-related internship (59 ec). The intership includes practical work and report, as well as a literature thesis of 6 ec and, optionally, one or two courses (max 6 ec) relevant to the internship.
A list of available research departments can be found furtheron in this prospectus.

In case you cannot start in September, but enrol later in the year (with permission of the Examination Board), you start with the research internship and take the mandatory courses at the next available option.

The specialisation is open to students in three Master programmes: Chemistry, Molecular Life Sciences, and Science. All three have different entry requirements, different final qualifications and therefore also a slightly different structure and programme requirements.