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BBB Foundation (Beta Bedrijven Beurs)

This annual career-event helps undergraduate and graduate students scout the job-market. The event takes place in Spring semester at the Science Faculty. A great number of companies, organisations as well as follow-up degree programmes present themselves there. As BBB has historic ties with chemists, the exhibition is very useful for chemistry students.

Companies are present with stalls and give lectures. You can gather information and talk with recruiters. Senior and PhD students can apply on-line around the time of the exhibition and make a chance to be invited by one or more of the companies for an interview. These interviews are organised by BBB a few weeks after the exhibition. The chances to be invited at that moment are much higher as compared to when you send an open application to a company.

The exhibition is renowned for its casual atmosphere and for its service to the visitors. Admission is free, no registering is needed and everybody receives the BBB-career guide.
Prior to the exhibition, BBB organizes workshops on a variety of topics that are relevant for job-seekers and career-starters, such as: interview training, case studies, but also more light-hearted topics.


Heijendaalseweg 135
Huygensbuilding 00.154
T: 024 - 36 52 388
E: bbb@science.ru.nl
W: http://www.bbb-carrierebeurs.nl/