Courses for students with methods deficit
Undergraduates who want to apply for the Programme but have insufficient undergraduate training in regression analysis and methods to fit measument models are encouraged to incorporate the following two courses in their bachelor study
1. | Regression analysis [Regressie Analyse, course MTB2022, 6 EC) |
2. | Measurement models for large scale audience research [Meetmodellen voor grootschalig publieksonderzoek, course code MTB3023, 6 EC) or Measurement models [Meetmodellen, course code MTB2023, 6 EC) |
Students who have been admitted to the RMSCS but lack sufficient knowledge or training in these research methods are recommended to take the courses mentioned above during the first year of the RMSCS and to take the Research Master's methods course Multilevel Analysis and Event History Analysis (SCS 103) during the second year of the Programme.
Information about the courses may be obtained from the electronic Programme study guide at: