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Semester 1 - Bachelor

Course Code Course Name Department Period Language level Prerequisites
LET-ACWB203 Vulgar Culture Cultural Studies 1 English B2
LET-ACWB301 City Culture Cultural Studies 2 English B2 Background in Cultural Studies
LET-ACWB302 Visual Culture Cultural Studies 1 English B2 Background in Cultural Studies
LET-ACWCC200-ACS Gender, Identity, Diversity Cultural Studies 1+2 English B2
LET-CIWB150-IBC Corporate Communication Business Communication 1 English B2
LET-CIWB152-IBC Intercultural Communication Business Communication 1 English B2
LET-CIWB153-IBC Marketing Communication Business Communication 2 English B2
LET-CIWB157-IBC Language and Communication Business Communication 1+2 English B2
LET-CIWER801 English for specific business purposes Business Communication 1+2 English B2
LET-DTCB103 Sprach-
wissenschaft 1: Phonetik und Phonologie
German Language and Culture 1+2 German B2
LET-DTCB107 Sprachpraxis Deutsch German Language and Culture 1+2 German B2
LET-DTCB110 Lyrik, Poesie, Poetry German Language and Culture 1+2 German B2
LET-DTCB112 Wie liest man Literatur? German Language and Culture 1+2 German B2
LET-DTCB201 Einleitung interkulturelle Kommunikation Niederlande-Deutschland German Language and Culture 1+2 German C1
LET-DTCB202 Textgestaltung und Wissenschafts-
German Language and Culture 1+2 German C1
LET-DTCB208 Geschichte des Deutschen: Historische Linguistik German Language and Culture 1+2 German C1
LET-DTCB209 Unterhaltungs-
formen populärer Kultur
German Language and Culture 1+2 German C1
LET-DTCB602 Tandemkurs: Sprech- und Redewerkstatt German Language and Culture 1+2 Native German
LET-DTCMI301 Literaire beeldvorming in Nederland en Duitsland German Language and Culture 1+2 German + Dutch B2
LET-DTCMI302 Oriëntatie op de Euregio German Language and Culture 1+2 German + Dutch B2
LET-ETCAMB203 American Art American Studies 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCAMB216 Planetary Cultural Politics American Studies 2 English C1
LET-ETCAMB216 American Political System: Experiments in Democracy American Studies 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCAMB301 Research Seminar 1: Identity and Cultural Diversity American Studies 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCAMB302 Research Seminar 2: 19th Century Then and Now American Studies 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCAMB304 The Challenges of Political Leadership: Comparing the US and the Netherlands American Studies 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCENB201 British Literature and Culture of the 17th and 18th Century English Language and Culture 1+2 English C1 Introductory course in literary theory
LET-ETCENB210 Syntax 2 English Language and Culture 1+2 English C1 Introductory course in linguistics
English as a World Language (for exchange students) English Language and Culture 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCENB213 From Sounds to Words English Language and Culture 1+2 English C1
LET-ETCENB302 Fools and Furies: The Early Modern Stage English Language and Culture 1+2 English C1 Introductory course in literary theory
LET-ETCENB304 I Made the Devil do it: Conjuring Spirits in Late Medieval England English Language and Culture 1+2 English C1
LET-GESB3207 Changing answers to social questions History 1+2 English B2 History majors only
LET-GESB3208 City life in the Mediterranean (500 BC – 1500 AD) History 1+2 English B2 History majors only
LET-GESMI173 Sport History and Philosophy History 2 English B2
LET-KGCC200 Golden Ages: Baroque Art in Italy and the Netherlands Art History 1+2 English B2
LET-NTCB110 Wat is literatuur? Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB115 Literatuur-
geschiedenis in vogelvlucht
Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB124 Inleiding Taalkunde Dutch Language and Culture 1 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB125 Taal in de middeleeuwen: Middelnederlands Dutch Language and Culture 1 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB130 Taal en Media Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB132 Spraak: Fonetiek Dutch Language and Culture 2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB133 Betekenis van woorden en zinnen: semantiek Dutch Language and Culture 2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB136 Woordstructuur: Morfologie Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB221 Taal en Cognitie: Inleiding Psycholinguïstiek Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB301 Verdieping Letterkunde Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB302 Neerlandistiek Statistiek Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB320 Tutorial Taalkunde Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-NTCB321 Van Adam tot Zeus Dutch Language and Culture 1+2 Dutch B2/C1
LET-RTCBF105 Histoire de la culture française 1: Du Moyen Age aux Lumières French Language and Culture 1+2 French B1/B2
LET-RTCBF107 La France au XXIe siècle French Language and Culture 1+2 French B1/B2
LET-RTCBF111 Langue, culture et société French Language and Culture 1+2 French B1/B2
LET-RTCBF112 Cinéma et société French Language and Culture 1+2 French B1/B2
LET-RTCBF202 Renforcement grammatical et traduction French Language and Culture 1+2 French B2/C1
LET-RTCBF207 Tendances actuelles de la recherche French Language and Culture 1+2 French B2
LET-RTCBF210 Littérature et société (XVIIe-XIXe siècles) French Language and Culture 1+2 French B2
LET-RTCBS204 Estudios de reception Spanish Language and Culture 1+2 Spanish B2 Introductory courses in Spanish literature
LET-RTCBS211 Actualidades literarias, culturales y políticas Spanish Language and Culture 1+2 Spanish B2