Choose a research institute
First you choose a research institute. There are three research institutes at the Radboudumc:
- The Donders Centre for Medical Neuroscience (DCMN)
- The Radboudumc Institute for Health Sciences (RIHS)
- The Radboudumc Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS)
A choice for an institute does not in itself involve a choice for specific courses, but should be seen as an expression of interest in specific types of biomedical research, or methodological orientation. Moreover, it entails a choice for one of the mentors available within the research institues. The DCMN is the place to be for those who are interested in neuroscience and the methods and techniques used in this field. If you are interested in determinants of health and disease, or studying the effectiveness of new interventions at the level of individuals and populations, then the RIHS is your place. If you are primarily interested in basic research into mechanisms of health and disease on a molecular or cellular scale, then the RIMLS is a logical environment for you.
Within the research institute of your choice, you can find:
- A mentor, who has a comprehensive overview of the institute, and who will guide you in choosing courses and arranging internships. This is an important person, whom you should contact as soon as possible if you know what research institute matches your future vision. There is no need to wait until the start of your programme.
- Research groups, where you can find role models and which forms a perfect starting point for growing your professional network. We stimulate you to contact them, and ask if there are any opportunities to join them, for example, in journal clubs, seminars, lunch meetings, coffee breaks or perhaps even research.