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Obtaining approval for your study plan

The Board of Examiners needs to approve of your study plan. Such approval can be requested by use of a standard form that is available from the internet. You can submit your study plan at any time by putting it in the red mailbox at the StIP. However, for your study plan to be discussed by the board, it should have been received at least two weeks prior to the next meeting.

You should think of your study plan as a growing document. That is, the study plan need not be complete from the start, listing 120 ECs of study activities. You can simply submit an updated version of your study plan each time you have added one or more new components (courses, or internships).

If you submit a study plan, then please consider the following:

  1. It needs to be signed by your mentor.
  2. You should attach documents describing courses to be taken outside the Radboudumc, planned internships, and your literature thesis.

For courses you plan to take outside the Radboudumc, this description should include:

  1. Title of the course.
  2. University where the course is being delivered.
  3. Name of the coordinator.
  4. Number of credits associated with the course.
  5. Brief description of the contents of the course, including the learning Objectives.
  6. Type of examination.

For internships and your literature thesis, you should use the appropriate standard form that is also available from the intranet. Please make sure that internship proposals are signed by your intended supervisor. In case of a communication or consultancy profile internship, you need the signature of the profile coordinator, too.

Naturally, courses taught at the Radboudumc are always approved, so there is no need to submit a study plan that as yet includes such courses only.

You are well advised to ask for approval approximately three months before the start of the intended course or internship. This will leave sufficient time to adjust your plan should the Board of Examiners disapprove. The Board of Examiners will provide reasons for such disapproval, so you will be able to find alternatives. You can introduce changes or supplements to your (preliminary) study plan after approval. In such cases, the relevant pages must be adapted and submitted to the Board of Examiners, together with descriptions of altered or new components which require approval (attachments). Descriptions of unaltered, already approved components need not need be resubmitted.

Registering for a course

You can subscribe to a course that is taught in the context of the BMS programme at the Radboudumc until 4 months before the start of the course. Late subscription is possible until 4 weeks before the start of the course, but only if there are still places available. Unsubscribing is possible until two weeks prior to the start. Registration is done via Osiris.


The capacity for Radboudumc BMS courses has been set to 30 students by default. In case the number of registered students surpasses the capacity limit, the management team will try to find an appropriate solution. If unevitable, lottery will determine which students can participate.

If the number of students registered for a course is rather low, then we will consult with the students involved about continuation of the course. However, you have a right to take a course that was scheduled, even if that would amount to doing so on an individual basis.

Internship agreement

For internships at departments outside the Radboudumc an internship agreement is required for liability and insurance purposes. Your mentor can provide an internship agreement for internships outside the Radboudumc in case the host institution or company does not supply one.

Internal courses

If you have taken the (interim) examination of a course that was taught within the Radboudumc, then the coordinator will inform the student administration about the result. He or she must do so within four weeks after the examination. Please inform the management team, should no grade appear in Osiris within this time frame.

External courses

In case you have completed a course outside the Radboudumc, then you will need to submit proof of your result to the student administration via the StIP. Of course, this proof must bear the course coordinator’s signature.

Research internship

Research internships are assessed on the basis of two forms: one containing criteria pertaining to your report or scientific paper, and one containing criteria with respect to your professional conduct. Moreover, your performance will be assessed independently by two experts, one of which is your daily supervisor. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Your daily supervisor fills out the two forms. Usually, this is being discussed with you in order to enable you to learn from the feedback.
  2. At the same time, the exact same report that is assessed by your daily supervisor needs to be sent to an indepedent second assessor, whom you have identified in consultation with your mentor, and who should have been informed timely about his or her task. This second assessor fills out the form that pertains to your report or paper only.
  3. Now you have three assessment forms (two relating to your report or paper, and one concerning your professional conduct), which you send to your mentor with the report or paper. The mentor will calculate your final grade and forward the result to the student administration. Please understand that this is a matter of calculus only and that your mentor cannot influence your assessment.
  4. If the suggested grades on the two forms pertaining to your report or paper differ by more than 1.5, then your mentor will ask a third supervisor to assess the report. The calculus that determines your final grade is then based on four assessment forms.

In general, you should consider assessment forms as checklists. They are not necessarily exhaustive. This means that you could add personal learning objectives, but only beforehand, not with hindsight. Moreover, you and your supervisors may perceive some items as more important than other items. Your supervisor fills out the form according to his or her own insight. It is advisable to initially leave the form aside and first discuss your internship without. On the other hand, all items on the form should be scored. Leaving specific items open, suggesting that some learning objectives have not been applicable, amounts to saying that the internship has not been suitable.

Profile internship

Your profile internship will be assessed as a research internship in case of a research profile. In case of a communication or consultancy profile things differ slightly. When you have completed your internship, you should ask your daily supervisor to fill out an assessment form. There are specific assessment forms for the communication and consultancy profile internships. You should hand the assessment form with the product of your internship to your profile coordinator, who will determine your final grade. Please contact him or her to make an appointment as soon as you are reasonably certain that your assessment form and report will be available.

The general remarks that have been made in connection to research internship are valid for profile internships, too. That is, you can add personal learning objectives. Moreover, all items on the assessment form should be scored for the internship to be completed successfully.

NOTE: Rules, regulations and your rights are best formulated in the Onderwijs- en Examenregeling at Examinations and regulations. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the contents of this prospectus!