Programme of Science in Society
The content of the specialisation year in Science in Society (SiS) is described in a separate prospectus. The Chemistry specific part is outlined here and consists of the following components totaling 60 EC to be done in the first year:
A. A minimum of 15 EC scientific Master courses;
B. A research project of minimally 29 EC (NWI-MOL501A), including practical work, report, presentation, and optional specialisation courses relevant to the internship (max. 6 EC);
This research project can be done on any research department available to Chemistry students.
C. NWI-MOL412 Career orientation (1 EC)
D. Philosophy 2: 3 EC. For more information about your options, click here.
E. 9 EC Electives, either courses (A) or a longer research project (B) or both;
F. 3 EC Free electives.
The second year comprises a 60 EC programme from Science in Society. In this programme there is also a 3 EC free elective component. Both free elective components can be combined to follow a 6 EC course.