Programme of Science and Education
The content of the Science and Education is described in separate prospectuses. The Science specific part is outlined here and consists of the following components totaling 60 EC to be done in the first year:
A. A minimum of 15 EC scientific Master courses;
B. NWI-MOL501A: A research project of minimally 29 EC, including practical work, report, presentation, and optional specialisation courses relevant to the internship (max. 6 EC);
This research project can be done on any research department displayed in this prospectus.
C. NWI-MOL412 Career orientation (1 EC)
D. Philosophy 2: 3 EC. For more information about your options, click here.
E. Electives of 6 EC that may also be added to A or B.
F. Free electives of 6 EC.
Besides the 60 EC Science specific programme, your second year comprises of a 60 EC programme from the Dutch Educational Master. That programme is found here, in Dutch only.