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Contact Persons - Interesting Links

Most practical information and links can be found at www.ru.nl/currentstudents/.

You can consult the Education Service Desk (ESD/OSP) for study based questions like diploma application, grades, enrollement in courses and examinations: http://www.ru.nl/socialsciences/esd/.
For courses at the Faculty of Science, these services are supplied by the Education Centre: http://www.ru.nl/science/about_the_faculty/organisaton/supporting-services/education-centre/.

Other interesting links and mail addresses:
The Student Advisor of AI: n.muts@ai.ru.nl
The Examination Board: Excieai@ai.ru.nl
The Department's Secretary: secr@ai.ru.nl
The Internationalisation Officer: internationalofficer@ai.ru.nl
The Degree Programme Committee (DPC): olc.ai@student.ru.nl

The Faculty of Social Sciences;
Academic Integrity, and the Ethics Committee (ECSS)
The Radboud Honours Academy;
The Nijmegen Centre for Academic Writing;
The International Office Social Sciences;
Study and Career planning;
Studying with special needs;
Find courses in other Study Guides;
Room indications and campus map;
The Donders Blog en Lectures