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Contact Hours

The Bachelor's programme in Artificial Intelligence ensures an average of 15 contact hours per week for the entire duration of the programme, during which you will be supervised by one of our research lecturers. In addition, you will spend 20-25 hours a week on self-study assignments. The table below applies to the study year 2017-2018

Contact hours per teaching week LECT*
Total hours

Total hours

B1 (cohort 2017) 23 349 390
Semester 1 24 211 166
Semester 2 23 138 224
B2 (cohort 2016) 20 342 283
Semester 1 20 170 152
Semester 2 19 172 131
B3 (cohort 2015) n/a n/a n/a
Semester 1 15 184 60
Semester 2 --** --** --**

*LECT = Lecture, Interactive lecture or Question and Answer seminar
 TUTPR = Tutorial or Practical
** There are no scheduled contact hours in the second semester of the third year which allows you the opportunity to study abroad. The entire second semester workload consists of electives and the Bahelor Thesis.