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Examining Board

The Examining Board monitors the final academic level of the programme and ensures that the programme has high-quality examinations and strict but fair appraisals. The Board checks that the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) are followed and makes sure that the examinations run smoothly.

Requesting an exception  
If you think there are good reasons why an exception should be made for you with regard to the EER, you may submit a request to the Examining Board. The Examining Board has the authority to make exceptions for individual students.

If you want to submit a request to the Examining Board, make sure that you consult one of the student advisors first. They can advise you on the possibilities and potential outcomes of your request. They can also assist you in formulating your request in the best possible way.

Submitting a written request to the Examining Board

  • Email your request in a letter (pdf) to the Examining Board: examiningboard@psych.ru.nl , or send it to the postal address (see side bar) or hand it over to the porter.
  • Remember to include your name, address and student number and also sign the letter.
  • Using no more than two A4 pages, explain your situation and your request for an exception to the rules briefly and clearly and justify why your request should be accepted.
  • If you use an envelope, ensure that is clearly addressed to the Examining Board for Psychology (do not forget to mention Psychology, for each study has its own Examining Board). See the sidebar on this page for the postal address.

Examining Board Psychology
Dr. J. Ellis, chair

Postal address:

Examining Board Psychology
Ms. M.L. Cantore, secretaris
Postbus 9104
6500 HE Nijmegen