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Programme B3

In the B3 year, you choose the direction you wish to take in Psychology. You will receive ample room to construct your own study trajectory.

Domain choice and two in-depth courses At the beginning of the year, you choose one profile domain. This will remain your undergraduate domain for the rest of the B3 year and will prepare you for one of the Master’s tracks at Radboud or a Master’s programme at a different university. You will take the corresponding Domain 3 course. In addition, you will choose a second Domain 3 course.
You also take Professional Ethics in Psychology, in which you can focus on ethical dilemmas in your domain; and you work on your practice field orientation in Me & My Career.

Domain electives Within your profile domain, you will choose three courses of 4 EC each in Year 3 (including the one in Year 2: 4 x 4 ec = 16 ec in total). Use these options to work on a distinctive profile as a graduate!

Free-choice electives The free-choice electives comprise 16 EC. You can choose according to your own interests: in or outside your domain, in other Radboud programmes, at other universities in the Netherlands or abroad. The EER only preclude non-university elective courses as well as elective courses that substantially overlap with your Psychology courses. Make sure to construct a coherent programme of your liking, in order to graduate with a distinctive profile!

Applied Research Methods and Bachelor's Thesis The final step in your Bachelor’s programme is of course Research Project 3 and your Bachelor’s thesis (6 EC). You will choose the Applied Research Methods, Research Project and Bachelor’s Thesis belonging to your domain.

Code Choose your domain course and an additional one (12 ec) out of: EC
SOW-PSB3BC15N B&C 3: Cognitive Neuropsychology 6
SOW-PSB3BE15N B&E 3: Cognition, Attitude, Motivation 6
SOW-PSB3DH15N D&H3: Psychology and Health Care 6
Code Compulsory course for all domains EC
SOW-PSB3AS30N Professional Ethics within Psychology 4
SOW-PSB23PS30E Me & My Career 0
Code Select the courses belonging to your domain: EC
Applied Research Methods
SOW-PSB3RS35N Applied research methods Brain & Cognition 4
SOW-PSB3RS40N Applied research methods Behaviour & Environment 4
SOW-PSB3RS45E Applied research methods Development & Mental Health 4
Research Project 3
SOW-PSB3RS50E Research Project 3 Brain & Cognition 6
SOW-PSB3RS55E Research Project 3 Behaviour & Environment 6
SOW-PSB3RS60E Research Project 3 Development & Mental Health 6
Bachelor's thesis
SOW-PSB3RS65E Bachelor's thesis Brain & Cognition 6
SOW-PSB3RS70E Bachelor's thesis Behaviour & Environment 6
SOW-PSB3RS75E Bachelor's thesis Development & Mental Health 6

Three domain electives (4 ec each)
Domain electives Brain & Cognition
Domain electives Development & Mental H
Domain electives Behaviour & Environment

Free electives 16
Total 60