Examination Board
For the Bachelor's and Master's programme there is only one Examination Board. The chair and members of this board are nominated by the Director of Education and subsequently appointed by the Faculty's Dean for a period of four years. The tasks and responsibilities of the Examination Board are:
- The organisation and coordination of the administration of examinations within the relevant programme or groups of programmes.
- The appointment of examiners to oversee the examinations or, where applicable, the programme components.
- The establishment of rules to ensure that the programme content is managed and administered correctly and the implementation of the measures needed to achieve this.
- The execution of all further tasks which have been outlined in the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) and have been entrusted to this Board, such as:
- the assessment of applications for admission to the programme;
- the assessment of requests from students regarding their exemption from an examination component;
- the assessment of requests from students for substituting an existing programme component with a component from an external programme.
Any requests to the Examination Board must be submitted in writing. Before making such a request, however, it is advisable to discuss the issue first with the student advisor (n.muts@ai.ru.nl). The Examination Board is comprised of the following members:
Dr. P.A. Kamsteeg, Chair (E: excieai@ai.ru.nl)
Dr. G.E. Kachergis (Secretary)
Dr. J.J. Sarbo (FNWI)
Dr. I. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper (External)
Drs. C. Claas-Hofman (Education Institute)
L. Jacques (administrative secretary)