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Elective Courses

Students will have 4 EC for elective course(s). The elective course can be an additional theme course of the Behavioural Science (BS) programme or a course from another programme. The course(s) should be of master's level and sufficiently relevant to the content of the programme. Approval from the examination board is needed. Courses from the BS programme can be chosen without permission or notification to the examination board of the Research Master Behavioural Science.

The examination board has made a list of courses they approve (see below).

Students will have to send an email to rm@bsi.ru.nl with the name of the course if they follow(ed) their elective course in one of the master's programme's below.

If you want to do a Master course that is not on the list, please send an email with your motivation to rm@bsi.ru.nl with subject: examination board-elective. The examination board will make a decision based on your motivation and the level and relevance of the course.

The elective course(s) may be followed in the first as well as in the second MSc year.

If you are interested in Neuroscience, it is a possibility to do the Neuroimaging I course of the Cognitive Neuroscience Master as elective course. This course is in block I and has a limited availability, so please contact Wendy de Graaf (programme coordinator BS) soon if you want to participate in this course.

Courses Master Onderwijskunde

Code Title EC
SOW-OWKM080 De leraar 4
SOW-OWKM090 Leeromgeving 4
SOW-OWKM070 Leerprocessen 4
SOW-OWKM100 Onderwijs en samenleving 4

Courses Pedagogische Wetenschappen

Code Title EC
SOW-PWM050 Angst en depressie: actuele ontwikkelingen en trends 4
SOW-PWM180 Belang van het kind: rechten en behoeften 4
SOW-PWM020 Complex Systems Theory 4
SOW-PWM270 Criminogene factoren 4
SOW-PWM200 Dealing with diversities in care 4
SOW-PWM105 De scientist-practitioner binnen het speciaal leren 4
SOW-PWM260 Dwang en drang 4
SOW-PWM150 Educating the gifted 4
SOW-PWM130 International perspective on treatment and care of individuals with a disability 6
SOW-PWM010 Jeugdrecht, beleid en ethiek 4
SOW-PWM170 Love. Beyond science and healthcare 4
SOW-PWM070 Recente ontwikkelingen in risicogedrag 4
SOW-PWM080 Risicogedrag: onderzoek en klinische praktijk 4
SOW-PWM160 The good life 4
SOW-PWM095 Theoretische verklaringsmodellen van het speciaal leren 4

Courses  Research Master Cognitive Neuroscience

Code Title EC
SOW-DGCN11 Academic writing 3
SOW-DGCN09 Advanced Math 3
NWI-NM099B Advanced Neuroscience Techniques 6
SOW-DGCN45 Attention and Performance 6
NWI-NM102 Auditory Perception and Technology 3
SOW-DGCN12 Basic Math 3
SOW-MKI46 Brain-computer Interfacing practical course (BCI) 6
SOW-DGCN40 Capita Selecta Cognitive Neuroscience 6
SOW-MKI40 Cognition and Complexity 6
SOW-DGCN25 Cognitive Control and Decision Making 6
SOW-DGCN30 Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory 6
SOW-DGCN28 Communication in Cognitive Neuroscience 6
SOW-MKI49 Computational Cognitive Neuroscience 6
NWI-NM047B Computational Neuroscience 6
SOW-DGCN27 Developmental Cogitive Neuroscience 6
SOW-DGCN32 Early Onset Neurodevelopmental Disorders 6
SOW-DGCN18 Language acquisition 6
SOW-DGCN46 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology 6
SOW-DGCN23 Motor control 6
NWI-BM001D Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology 6
LET-REMA-LCEX15 Language in multimodal context: gesetures and sign language 6
SOW-DGCN08 Neuroanatomy 3
SOW-DGCN43 Neurobiology and Evolution of Language 6
SOW-DGCN33 Neurobiology of (mal)adaptation 6
SOW-DGCN34 Neurogenetics 6
SOW-DGCN02 Neuroimaging I 6
SOW-DGCN39 NeuroImaging II: Electrophysiological Methods 6
SOW-DGCN37 Neuroimaging II: Haemodynamic methods 6
SOW-DGCN03 Neurophilosophy 6
SOW-DGCN44 Perception 6
SOW-DGCN47 Practical ERP training 3
SOW-DGCN31 Psychology of learning 6
NWI-NM080B Quantitative Brain Networks 6
SOW-DGCN17 Sentence Production and Comprehension 6
SOW-DGCN26 Social Neurocognition 6
SOW-DGCN52 Structural Aspects of Language 6
SOW-DGCN01 Trends in cognitive neuroscience 6
SOW-DGCN16 Word Recognition and Production 6

Courses Research Master Social and Cultural Sciences

Code Title EC
SOW-SCS110 Categorical data analysis 3
SOW-SCS115 Comparative anthropological research 6
SOW-SCS117 Comparative communication research 6
SOW-SCS108 Comparative development research 6
SOW-SCS116 Comparative economic research 6
SOW-SCS104 Comparative methodology 3
SOW-SCS111 Comparative research project 12
SOW-SCS101 Comparative societal questions 3
SOW-SCS103 Multilevel analysis and event history analysis 6

Courses Master Psychologie

Code Title EC
SOW-MPSGV10A Algemene inleiding Gedragsverandering 9
SOW-MPSAG12B Arbeid, gezondheid en prestatie 6
SOW-MPSAG10 Inleiding Arbeid, Organisatie en Gezondheid 6
SOW-MPSAG13 Organisatieontwikkeling en gedragsverandering 6
SOW-MPSAG11 Personeelspsychologie 6
SOW-MPSGV14A Persoonlijke Effectiviteit in een Professionele Setting (PEPS) 3
SOW-MPSGP12 Psychopathologie 8
SOW-MPSAG15 Sport en gezondheid 6
SOW-MPSAG14 Toepassing Human Resource Management 6
SOW-MPSAG16 Toepassing organisatieverandering- en advies 6

Other Courses

Code Title EC