Student-staff committee
The student-staff programme committee (OLC) monitors the quality of education, among others by:
- advising about the Education and Examination Regulations;
- assessing the implementation of the Education and Examination Regulations every year;
- advising the dean and the director of education on all matters concerning educational programmes.
You may contact the student-staff committee for matters concerning the educational programmes. The student members can be found in the representatives room (E14.03A). You may also send input by e-mail:
- (Philosophy)
- (Theology)
- (Religious Studies)
- (Research Master Philosophy)
Members student-staff committee Philosophy 2018-2019
- dr. ing. Leon de Bruin (chairperson)
- dr. ir. Frederik Bakker
- dr. Annabelle Dufourcq
- dr. Chris Buskes
- Lean Mulder
- Leon Verrips
- Lenneke Geerts
- Willeke Knottnerus
- dr. Renée Wagenvoorde (secretary)
Members student-staff committee Theology 2018-2019
- prof. dr. Daniela Müller (chairperson)
- dr. Joshua Furnal
- Simone Landman
- Lisa Schmeinck
- dr. Renée Wagenvoorde (secretary)
Members student-staff committee Religious Studies 2018-2019
- prof. dr. Hans Schilderman (chairperson)
- dr. Jorge Castillo Guerra
- dr. Martijn de Koning
- prof. dr. Ellen van Wolde
- Karlijn van Brakel
- Simone Landman
- Amber Lynn Potjes
- Flore Sips
- dr. Renée Wagenvoorde (secretary)
Members student-staff committee Research master Philosophy 2018-2019
- dr. Veronica Vasterling (chairperson)
- prof.dr. Gert-Jan van der Heiden
- Sarah Bloem
- Ilaria Flisi
- dr. Renée Wagenvoorde (secretary)