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Religion, Art and Culture

Department: Religious Studies/Islam Studies
Coordinator: prof. dr. Eric Venbrux
Accessible to: Students of Religious Studies or Islam Studies
Prerequisites: 1st year completed; Introduction of Islam for Course 2 (if not, contact the Lecturer)
Semester: 1


Fine art and religion are at odds with each other in the sense that often either the religion or the art is secondary. Controversies arise when art transgresses religious sensibilities. We find religion and art intertwined in popular culture, lived religion and non-Western religious art. In this Minor, we will investigate the relationship between art and religion from various perspectives.

For students of Islam Studies, this minor comes with extra courses to choose from; please see the course description Minor Religion, Art and Culture (for Islam Studies).

Period (Semester) Course Course ID Credits
1 & 2 (sem 1) Religion, Art and Culture FTR-RSMI210 5
1 & 2 (sem 1) Islam, Art and Popular Culture FTR-RSMI211 5
1 & 2 (sem 1) Christianity and Popular Culture FTR-RSMI212 5