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Master thesis

In the Master's thesis you display the skills necessary to carry out academic research. This means that you are able to think and write independently, critically, methodically and systematically. You have to demonstrate by means of logically structured arguments that you have insight into the relevant theme and in one or more methods necessary for an academic approach to this theme.

Thesis requirements are divided into formal requirements and assessment requirements or criteria. This distinction affects the assessment procedure. The formal requirements stipulate the minimum standards that your thesis needs to meet before it will be considered for further content assessment. If the permanent examiner believes that your thesis fails to meet the requirements, you will first have to amend it accordingly. The assessment criteria determine the assessment of the content and the eventual mark given for the thesis. In contrast to the requirements, the criteria can be met to a greater or lesser degree.

You have to complete the Master's thesis no later than eight weeks before the final examination. The workload (including the preparation as well as the actual writing of the thesis) is estimated at 700 hours, which is equivalent to 20 EC. For more information on the Master's thesis (e.g. aim, requirements, criteria), see the study guide of the Master's Thesis Workshop.


By completing the Master’s thesis, you demonstrate your academic ability, i.e. your ability to think, write and do research independently, critically, methodically and systematically. In concrete terms, you have to show your insight into a theme and in one or more methods of approaching that theme by means of a well-defined, clear research problem and the use of logically structured arguments.

Master's Thesis Workshop (FTR-THMA250)

The conclusion of the Master’s programme is research culminating in a Master’s thesis. The preparation and supervision take place in the Master’s Thesis Workshop, which you are obliged to attend. In the first two sessions, you develop a research question for your thesis under the guidance of a lecturer and with feedback from fellow students. For this purpose, you decide on a research method and subject that correspond with your Master’s specialisation and you develop this into a preliminary draft. The next step is finding a supervisor with expertise in the chosen subject or the chosen research method. You complete these steps individually and discuss their outcomes in the workshop. You complete the Master’s thesis at the end of the second semester.


  • Working out a clearly defined goal and research question for the envisaged Master's thesis.
  • Possible planning of a research project preliminary to writing the Master's thesis.