Research Data Management courses

We offer different courses on topics related to Research Data Management. They are available to all Radboud University researchers and are free of charge. The current courses are:

  • Personal Data in Research
  • Introduction to Data Anonymisation
  • Introduction to Research Data Organisation
  • Radboud Data Repository - Getting Started
  • Radboud Data Repository - Archiving & Publishing
  • Data Management Plan

The courses are available on gROW. You can subscribe to the Digital Competence Center channel to sign up to any of the courses and to be kept up to date on any news regarding the courses. You can also turn on notifications on individual courses if you want to be informed when new dates are added.

Research data management

Research data management (RDM) helps to make conscious decisions about research data and keeps data safe. It also encourages open science and enables the reuse of data.

Through advice, support and this website, we will help you find your way in the world of RDM.

For a quick start, take a look at the RDM checklist. For students, a guide on RDM is available.

DMP tool

You can make a good start on managing your data by writing a data management plan, using Radboud University's DMP tool.