Remote access CBS Microdata

After the pilot “Remote Access Innovations”, finished in April 2017, the CBS has implemented new and improved services on the Remote Access to microdata.

What are the changes?

  1. The computer used to access the CBS no longer has to be in a lockable room, as long as no unauthorized people can look at your screen.
  2. Researchers can now log in via SMS verification and a token, so researchers can also work from home. Please keep in mind that you only work via a secure network connection.
  3. For researchers who have applied the output guidelines correctly, it will be possible to receive the next outputs under embargo, before the output is checked, meaning a check afterwards.
  4. Researchers will have to take a digital test to see if they are aware of the privacy policies. Each researcher has to pass this test to be granted access to the RA working environment. To ensure that researchers will comply with these rules, a privacy awareness question will be asked before logging into the system.
  5. The researcher will bear more responsibility. If it turns out that the researcher cannot bear these, thus violating the rules and regulations, the researcher will be deprived of privileges, such as output checking afterwards, or measures will be imposed.
  6. The fees for using the microdata have changed. For more information please check the website of the CBS.

Before you can start working with the microdata, you have to apply for a meeting at the CBS, and, as mentioned above, take a digital awareness test.

For more information, please check the website of the CBS or contact the RIS servicedesk (