Policy documents

On this page you can find all Research Data Management (RDM)-related policies at Radboud University, including summaries of the most relevant elements for you as a researcher. Besides the general Radboud University RDM policy, each research institute has a specific RDM policy that states how the general policy can be met within the institute. We recommend that you read your institute’s RDM policy before you start your research. In addition, PhDs are required to write an RDM section in their dissertation, see below for more information.

General policy

In July 2023 the Executive Board of the Radboud University adopted the newest version of the Radboud University general RDM policy. The most important elements of the policy are:

  • Writing a Data Management Plan is obligatory if stated as such in the institute specific policy, otherwise, it is highly recommended
  • Research data collected and processed during research are stored in a facility that is adequate in terms of availability (the data will not be lost unintentionally), integrity (the data will not be unintentionally modified) and confidentiality (the data will not be unintentionally available to unauthorized persons)
  • Research data are archived as open as possible, as closed as necessary. Making research data publicly available should be the guiding principle. This principle is only deviated from if this is necessary due to privacy, knowledge security, or other compelling reasons
  • Research data accompanying scientific publications meet the requirements of ‘Findability’ and ‘Accessibility’ from the moment the scientific publication is available. These principles are those as defined by FAIR
  • The minimum retention period for research data that is required for checking or verifying scientific publications is ten years from the time that the scientific publication is available

Read the full RDM policy here (pdf, 177 kB).

PhD dissertation

Article 4.5 of the Doctorate regulations states that every PhD dissertation needs to include an RDM paragraph if the thesis is based on research data. It states that the RDM description “will at least address the method of processing, storing, and making available of the research data” and that it “will need to demonstrate that the research data management complies with the standards of the relevant discipline”. Since this is discipline specific, the data steward of your institute (listed below) can give you advice on how you can best write this paragraph. A tip from us, if you have written a Data Management Plan at the beginning of your research, you can re-use your answers in the RDM description.

Read the full Doctorate regulations

Institute-specific policies and data stewards

Each research institute at Radboud University has their own RDM policy addition which specifies how you can best meet the requirements of the general RDM policy. You can consult the policy and, if needed, the data steward(s) of your institute.

Research Institute Link to RDM policy Data steward(s)
Research Institute for Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Policy available Sanna van Roosmalen
Radboud Institute for Culture & History Policy available Henk van den Heuvel and Anas Maya
Centre for Language Studies Policy available Henk van den Heuvel and Anas Maya
Research Centres of the Faculty of Law Policy available Anita Böcker
Institute for Management Research Policy available Francie Manhardt
Radboud Social Cultural Research Policy available Bas Hofstra
Behavioural Science Institute Policy available Rob Gommans
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Policy available

Bernhard Englitz (DCN)
Dick Schijven (DCCN)
Miriam Kos (DCC)
Joanes Grandjean (DCMN)

Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS) for Faculty of Science employees

Radboudumc employees see next row and contact RIMI

Policy available

Joost Martens

Radboudumc employees, please contact RIMI at Team Datastewardship IM

Research Institute for Medical Innovation (RIMI) Policy available Team Datastewardship IM
Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences Policy available Eelke Jongejans
Institute for Molecules and Materials Policy available Evan Spruijt
Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics Policy available (pdf, 37 kB) Andrew Levan
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Policy available Gunes Acar
Institute for Science in Society Policy available

Rob Lenders and Riyan van den Born

Radboud Teachers Academy Policy available Robin Satter
Institute for Science Education Policy available Mara Saeli