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Element analysis lab

Welcome at General Instrumentation (GI)

Facility for analyses

General Instrumentation (GI) is a service department of the Faculty of Science of the Radboud University. This facility hosts (medium)-large instruments which are often complex and also expensive, like devices for element analysis and separation techniques, and light and electron microscopes. The following techniques are offered:

  • Elemental and amino acid analysis. More>
  • Electron microscopy. More>
  • Light microscopy/imaging. More>
  • Other Techniques/activities. More>

Postal address GI (Science Faculty)
P.O. Box 9010, Int box 34
NL- 6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Visitors GI (Huygens-building)
Heyendaalseweg 135
NL-6525 AJ Nijmegen
Goods (Logistiek Centrum)
Toernooiveld 8  
NL-6525 ED Nijmegen
024-3652162 / 3652156

Who are we

The GI equipment is run by 4 specialized staff members with a technical-scientific background: Hetty Manenschijn, Paul van der Ven, Jelle Postma and Sebastian Krosse. Stef Olsthoorn is the coordinator of the group since 2011. The GI commission, with representatives from IMM, IWWR and DCN, advises the GI on investments in new instruments.

Huygens building

Zoom (jpg, 334 kB)

Tasks and targets

The GI staffs is in charge of the maintenance and operation of the equipment and the set-up of methods of analysis. Instructions are provided to users on the methodologies and the applications and good practice in interpreting results. Another task for the GI personnel is the supervision of the planning and use of devices.

The GI facility is open to all research departments of the faculty (both employees and students). Users of the GI can rely on intensive and personal supervision and service in seeking tailored solutions.  Some analyses are carried out by the staff of the GI, while others are directly done by the users. The GI also provides assistance in teaching duties. External groups can apply as well for measurement time at the facility  (Contact the staff for further information on fees and conditions).
