Light microscopy
The General Instrumentation Department currently hosts, supports and maintains a number of confocal, widefield and light sheet microscopes, providing training and consultancy in these techniques for all users of the department. In parallel image analysis support is offered either with training, or with the implementation of analysis macros and setup of specific image analysis workflow providing a number of image analysis software like ImageJ/FIJI, Huygens Essential Deconvolution, Lightning and Thunder computational clearing etc.
Jelle Postma (HG 01.222, Tel 024 3652199, and when absent Hetty Manenschijn (HG 01.222, Tel 024 3652199,
GI hosts two inverted laser scanning confocal microscopes (CLSMs) with sensitive detectors, multiple laser lines and computational clearing of acquired data. Environmental control is also provided for live imaging experiments
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Both our confocal can also be used as fully automated widefield fluorescence microscopes. Additionally, an inverted fully automated widefield fluorescence / DIC system with temperature-controlled chamber and computational clearing approach is hosted in our department. Moreover, a number of manual widefield microscopes (inverted or upright) are supported for fluorescence, brightfield, phase contrast, DIC and polarization microscopy.
Light Sheet
A dual illumination light sheet system with 4 lasers is hosted at the GI. The system is capable for tile scans, time lapses and rotational imaging (or combinations).
Image Analysis
Extensive support is provided in image analysis with commercial or free software available, as well as with the construction of custom-made analysis macros.