Confocal microscopy
The General Instrumentation Department hosts the following confocal systems, both in rooms with AP1 license for living genetically modified organisms
Leica SP8-WLL (room HG01.239)
- Automated DMi8 (inverted)
- 405nm
- Pulsed White Light Laser (WLL) delivering simultaneously up to 8 lines in the range of 470nm-670nm
- 10x/0.4 Air
- 20x/0.4 Air Long Distance
- 40x/0.6 Air Long Distance
- 40x/1.1 Water
- 63x/1.4 Oil
- 100x/1.4 Oil
- 2x PMTs
- 2x HyDs for photon counting and gating
- 1x transmitted light PMT
- z-Galvo stage for fast and accurate z acquisition
Beam Splitter:
- The system is equipped with an acousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS)providing accuracy and speed in emission detection.
Software Modules:
- LAS X 3D for 3D rendering of acquired volumes
- “Navigator” for large tile scans
- “Lightning” for computational clearing and improvement of resolution to 120nm.
Environmental Control
- Temperature controlled box
- Gas mixer / humidifier (for CO2)
- Water pump for water immersion objective
Widefield setup:
- DAPI (340-380/400/425LP), FITC (450-490/510/515LP), RHOD (517-563/580/590LP), Y5(590-650/660/662-738)
- Light Source: Halogen Lamp
- Camera: Leica DFX365 FX
Installation Date:
- November 2015
Sp8 Liachroic (room HG01.236)
- Automated DMi8 (inverted)
- 405nm 50mW
- 488nm 20mW
- 552nm 20mW
- 638nm 30mW
- 10x/0.4 Air
- 20x/0.4 Air Long Distance
- 20x/0.75 Air
- 40x/0.6 Air Long Distance
- 40x/1.3 Oil
- 63x/1.4 Oil
- 1x PMTs
- 2x HyDs for photon counting
- 1x transmitted light PMT
Beam Splitter:
- Low incident light dischroics
Software Modules:
- “Navigator” for large tile scans
Widefield setup:
- Filters: DAPI (340-380/400/425LP), FITC (450-490/510/515LP), RHOD (517-563/580/590LP)
- Light Source: Halogen Lamp
- Camera: Leica DFC7000GT
Installation Date:
- July 2018