Widefield Microscopy
The General Instrumentation Department hosts the following widefield microscopes.
Leica Thunder (room HG01.228)
- Automated DMi8 (inverted) with hardware autofocus (AFC) and motorized polarizer.
Excitation Lines: Lumencor 4-line LED with the following wavelengths
- 395nm
- 488nm
- 561nm
- 638nm
Emission Selection: EFW - external filter wheel slider for high speed acquisition. Filterset– quad cube for imaging (DAPI, FITC, TRITC, Cy5) including filter wheel for EFW
Detection: Leica DFC9000 GTC
- 2 MP sCMOS camera, 6.5 μm pixel size (19 mm sensor diagonal)
- 82% quantum efficiency, dark current of 0.14e-/p/sec
- ~90 frames per second acquisition speed
- extended dynamic range of 33000:1
- 20x/0.8 Air
- 63x/1.2 Water
Stage: High speed/precision quantum stage
Environmental Control: Incubator with temperature controller
Software Modules:
- LAS X 3D for 3D rendering of acquired volumes
- “Navigator” for large tile scans
- “Thunder” for instant or volume computational clearing and improvement of resolution
Leica DM2500 (room HG01.235)
- Upright manual microscope for bright-field, phase-contrast, dark-field and epi-fluorescence
- Transmission (BF, Ph, DF), no filters
- Ultraviolet (DAPI, aniline blue), Filter A, Exc. BP 320-380, DM 400, Em.LP 425
- Blue (Fluorescein, Alexa 488), Filter I3, Exc. BP 450-490, DM 510, Em. LP 515
- Green (Rhodamine, Alexa 561, Cy3), Filter N2.1, Exc. BP 515-560, DM 580, Em. LP 590
- Red (Cy5), Filter Y5 ET, Exc. BP 590-650, DM 660, Em.BP700/75
- 5x/0.07 Air
- 10x/0.3 Air
- 20x/0.5 Air
- 40x/0.75 Air
- 100x/1.3 Oil
Detection: Leica DFC7000 T controlled by the LAS X software
- 2.8 MP CCD
- Pixel size 4.54 x 4.54 μm
- 1920 x 1440 pixels
- 8/12 bit with 16-bit A/D converter
- 40 fps (full frame) / 123 fps (5 x 5 binning)
Leica DMRA (room HG01.235)
- Upright manual microscope for bright-field, phase-contrast and epi-fluorescence
- A: BP340-380 - 400 - LP425
- S-Aqua: D436 / 20x - 455 - D480 / 30
- GFP ET: 47- / 40 - 495 - 525/50
- N2.1: BP515-560 - 580 - LP590
- Y5: BP620 / 60 - 660 - BP700 / 75
- Cyan GFP V2
- GFP BP Yellow
- 6x/0.05 Air
- 5x/0.07 Air
- 5x/0.15 Air
- 10x/0.3 Air
- 20x/0.7 Air
- 40x/0.5 Air
Detection: Leica DFC340FX camera operated with the LAS AF software