Remote NMR

Dear NMR Spectroscopy User,

This message has been sent to youon behalf of the Remote-NMR (R-NMR) project. I would like to invite you to participate in the R-NMR project by completing an online survey. Here is a bit of background information.

R-NMR is a 3-year project funded by Horizon Europe (and UKRI for UK participants). R-NMR involves 26 research groups from across Europe. The full title of the project is:Remote-NMR (R-NMR): Moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01). More information about R-NMR can be found at

Prior to the Covid19 pandemic, the overwhelming majority of NMR data collection was conducted by scientists traveling to local, national and transnational NMR facilities and sitting directly in front of the NMR console to setup data collection. Due to the lockdown restrictions in many countries during 2020-2021, this scenario had to change dramatically in order to allow NMR research to continue. The experiences of several European NMR facilities during the Covid19 pandemic have shown that remote access is feasible within the field of NMR spectroscopy. It is the aim of the Remote-NMR project to develop and exploit this type of access in full.

You are being invited to take part in this survey because you are a user of an NMR facility. Before you decide to participate and complete the online survey, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. A detailed Participant Information Sheet is attached and can be accessed online at the beginning of the survey.

The survey can be accessed at

Thank you for considering participation in the R-NMR project; your help is really appreciated.

Best wishes,

Professor Christina Redfield

Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford