Physiological responses and adaptations to ecological stressors

Fish provide a vital source of protein for the increasing human population. Since climate change (increased temperature, hypoxia, increased CO2 and acidification, NH­3/NH4+-deposition) causes physiological stress in fish, reducing growth and reproduction, global warming puts pressure on the world’s food supplies. Understanding the impact of climate change on aquatic animals is imperative to predict their vulnerability and to safeguard services provided by them, such as food provisioning. Using zebrafish as animal model, we aim to predict consequences of climate change for biodiversity and aquaculture, as well as to generate and improve risk management and mitigation strategies.

Research projects and collaborators:

  • Interacting effects of temperature and oxygen in zebrafish that differ in cell size.
    Iris van de Pol, Wilco Verberk – Animal Ecology and Physiology
  • Fish branchial nitrogen cycle symbionts: novel approaches towards sustainable aquaculture.
    Wouter Mes, Marnix Gorissen, Maartje van Kessel – Animal Ecology and Physiology;
  • Measuring true ad libitum food intake in zebrafish: method validation.
    Peter Klaren, Lucas Noldus Animal Ecology and Physiology; Noldus Technologies
  • How environmental challenges impact brain and behaviour of zebrafish.
    Marnix Gorissen, Ruud van den Bos Animal Ecology and Physiology