W. van der Veld


dr. ing.



van der


024-361 2649

024-361 2351


Postbus 9104 6500 HE Nijmegen

Montessorilaan 3 A.07.27

Function description:
The function of research consultant supports staff and Ph.D. students from different disciplines, i.e. psychology, pedagogy, and behavioural sciences (BSI), sociology, and communications science (NISCO). Support can be provided in any phase of the research process, however, the earlier the involvement starts the easier it will be provide adequate support along the way. The main competencies are applied structural linear equation modelling, and research designs for causal analysis in non-experimental research. Support on related issues can of course also be provided. Fellowships and post-docs:


William M. van der Veld is a research consultant at the RTOG, Faculty of Social Sciences at the Radboud University Nijmegen. He received his MA (cum laude) and Ph.D. (cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam. In 2003-2004, he was a fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) investigating the survey response process from different scientific disciplines. His research interests include survey research methodology, measurement, structural equation modelling, causal research with non-experimental designs, social capital, and ethnocentrism.


1999-2006 Phd. in social sciences [cum laude]. The Survey Response Dissected. A New Theory about Survey Response Process, supervisor prof. Dr. Willem E. Saris.
1995-1998 MA. in political science [cum laude] at the University of Amsterdam.
1994-1996 Propedeuse Communication science at the University of Amsterdam.
1989-1994 BSc. in Telecommunication at the Hogeschool Utrecht.
2006-2007 Post-doctoral fellowship (JRA3, by the EU). An investigation on the quality and cross-cultural comparability of measures used in the European Social Survey.
2005-2006 Post-doctoral fellowship (VICI, by the NWO). A feasibility study on interviewing adolescents  (11-18 yrs) via websurveys/online access panels in the field of  personal well-being and internet use.
2003-2004 Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Within a group of 9 distinguished scholars from different disciplines - neuropsychology, linguistics, political-psychology, survey methodology, decision making - the survey response process was studied from different disciplines.

Teaching experience:

2004-2006 Instructor for ESF/QMSS workshops at the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK): Structural Equation Modeling in Cross-National Comparative Research and at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano, Switzerland): Measurement, Data Collection and Data Quality Issues for Cross-National Survey Data.
2002-2006 Courses taught at both master and bachelor level: Empirical Analytical Research Designs, Multivariate Techniques, Structural Equation Modeling, Measurement errors in Survey Research, Survey Research Methods, Political Tolerance in the US, Social Capital and Media Use in Europe.

AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research)
EASR (European Association for Survey Research)
IRMCS (Int. Research group for Methodology and Comparative Survey research)


Van der Veld W. M. (2006). The survey response dissected. A new theory about the survey response process. Dissertation, University of Amsterdam.

Book chapters
Van der Veld W. M. and W. E. Saris (2004). Separation of Error, Method Effects, Instability, and attitude Strength. In W. E. Saris and P. M. Sniderman (Eds.), Studies in Public Opinion: Attitudes, Nonattitudes, Measurement Error, and Change (Pp. 37-62). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Saris W. E., W. M. van der Veld, and I. M. Gallhofer (2004). Development and Improvement of Questionnaires Using Predictions of Reliability and Validity. In S. Presser, J. M. Rothgeb, M. P. Couper, J. T. Lessler, E. Martin, J. Martin, and E. Singer (Eds.), Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaires (Pp. 275-298). New York: Wiley & Sons.

Peer reviewed articles
Corten I. W., W. E. Saris, G. Coenders, W. M. van der Veld, C. E. Aalberts, and C. Kornelis (2002). Fit of Different Models for Multitrait–Multimethod Experiments. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 213–232.
Van der Veld W. M. and W. E. Saris (2000). Problems in Russian Opinion Polls: Memory Effects, Acquiescence, and Awareness. Kwantitatieve Methoden, 64, 87-116.

Conference papers
Van der Veld W. M. (2007). A Cross-national Comparison of the Trust in People Scale. Paper presented at 2nd conference of the European Association for Survey Research, Prague (Czech Republic), June.
Yang K. &  W. M. van der Veld (2007). Social Capital and Political Participation in Britain: is there a Relationship at the Individual Level? Paper presented at 2nd conference of the European Association for Survey Research, Prague (Czech Republic), June.
Van der Veld, W.M. (2007). The quality of social trust items across Europe. Paper presented at the QMSS Conference 2007. Prague (Czech Republic), June.
Van der Veld W. M (2007). Why report Cronbach's alpha if you don't use it? Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap. Antwerp (Belgium), February.
Van der Veld W. M. and W. E. Saris (2005). A unified model for the survey response process. Unifying Converse, Achen, Zaller & Feldman. The 1st conference of the European Association for Survey Research. Barcelona (Spain), July.
Van der Veld W. M. and W. E. Saris (2005). The nature of measurement error in panel data. Estimating Reliability and Stability. The 1st conference of the European Association for Survey Research. Barcelona (Spain), July.
Van der Veld W. M. (2004). Measurement error in panel data. The NIAS conference on a new view on survey research. Wassenaar, June.
Van der Veld W. M. and W. E. Saris (2003). A new framework for the survey response. Presented at 2nd conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Marburg (Germany), September.
Van der Veld W. M. (2001). Prediction of quality of survey items before data are collected. In J. Blasius, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw, and P. Schmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology (RC33). Leverkusen (Germany): Verlag Leske & Budrich.
Saris, W.E., W.M. van der Veld (2001). A cognitive explanation for response instability. The 12th conference of the International Research group for Methodological and Comparative Studies (IRMCS). Gent (Belgium), May.
Van der Zouwen J., W. E. Saris, S. Draisma, and W. M. van der Veld (2001). Assessing the quality of questionnaires: a comparison of three methods for the ‘ex ante’ evaluation of survey questions. Proceedings of the International Conference Q2001 on Quality in Official Statistics. Stockholm (Sweden), May.
Saris W. E. and W. M. van der Veld (1998). Estimation of reliability and validity, taking into account lack of opinion. The conference on No opinion, instability and change in public opinion research. Amsterdam (The Netherlands), October.

Research reports
W. E. Saris, P. C. Neijens, Q. Zeggen & W. van der Veld (1998). De inspraak-enquête over de vernieuwing van de Grote Markt te Groningen.

(Invited) Lectures:
Van der Veld W. M. (2007). The quality of general media use measures in Western Europe. Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), April.
Van der Veld W. M. (2007). On the stability of political opinions. Invited lecture at the University Pompeu Fabre for the department of Political Science. Barcelona (Spain), February.
Van der Veld W. M. (2007). The Cross-Country Comparability of the Social Trust scale used in the ESS. Invited lecture at ESADE Business School for the department of Quantitative Methods. Barcelona (Spain), February.
Van der Veld W.M. (2006). Developing Survey Questionnaires. Art of Science? Invited lecture at the University of Amsterdam for the Kohnstamm Institute. Amsterdam (Netherlands), November.
Saris W. E., W. M. van der Veld, and I. M. Gallhofer (2002). A Scientific approach to questionnaire development. Invited paper for the International Conference on Questionnaire Development, Evaluation, and Testing Methods for the American Statistical Association. Charleston (SC, USA), November.
Saris W. E., W. M. van der Veld, and I. M. Gallhofer (2000). A program for the prediction of the Quality of Survey Measurement. Invited paper for the symposium on Information Systems for Social Sciences. Mannheim (Germany), October.


Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen