The program MAKEDYAD is made as an tool to produce dyads. A dyad is in this context the combination of two members of a group. The two members will form a new 'case', the dyad. All possible combinations of two members of the group are being made. So when a group consists of n members, n(n-1)/2 dyads will be formed. For the dyads all kinds of characteristics can be computed and saved in the newly made file. Additionally an SPSS-syntax file will be produced to facilitate the use of the dyads.

The basic sociometric information data to be processed by MAKEDYAD are nominations of group members. An example of the gathering of this kind of information is the ques­tion "Which children in your group do you like most?". Sociometric ratings, sociomet­ric ranking or pair wise comparison of group members cannot be processed by MAKEDYAD. The computer program SOCSTAT provides a tool for the use of some sociometric techniques. A good introduction in Dutch language in the use of sociometric techniques in peer relations research is pre­sented by Cillessen and ten Brink (1991).

The basic characteristic of MAKEDYAD is the reorganization of a dataset of nominations given by a group of persons into a new dataset of the nominations of two members of the group (the dyad). The nominations on at most 25 socio­met­ric criteria or questions can be used. Of each criterion several special arrangements of these received nominations, like raw scores can be computed.

Downloadable files:

Documentation: MakeDyad.pdf (pdf, 177 kB) (178 Kb)
Program: (zip, 655 kB) (656 Kb)
Example: (zip, 48 kB) (48 Kb)