This computer program provides a tool for the use of some sociometric techniques. Sociometry is a label for a family of methods and techniques that are used for the study of relations among the members of a group.

The basic sociometric information that SocStat can process, consists of nomina­tions of group members. An example of the gathering of this kind of information is the ques­tion: "Which children in your group do you like most?" Sociometric ratings, so­ciomet­ric ranking or pairwise comparison of group members cannot be processed by SocStat.

The basic characteristic of SocStat is the reorganization of a dataset of nominations given by a group of persons into a new dataset of nominations received by persons in the same group. Several special arrangements of these received nominations, like com­pound scores, and special subgroup memberships can be cre­ated. In addition, special dyads and cliques can be traced and some group character­istics can be computed.

Another special characteristic of SocStat is the simultaneous usage of two socio­met­ric criteria or questions, usually one "positive" criterion (for example: acceptance) and one "negative" criterion (for example: rejection).

Usually, all members of a group participate in a sociometric interview procedure. The two sociometric questions (or "criteria") acceptance and rejection are probably the most widespread in sociometric research on peer relations. They are often labeled or denoted as Like and Dislike. However, SocStat also allows the use of other sociomet­ric criteria like sociometric behavioral or personality nominations.

The combined use of the acceptance- and rejection-criteria offers the possibility to com­pute compound scores like Impact or Preference and to apply three special sociometric classification models. Technically, these com­pound scores and models can also be used with other sociometric criteria, but the valid­ity of such applica­tions may be question­able.

Downloadable files:

Documentation: SocStat.pdf (pdf, 401 kB) (401 Kb)
Program: (zip, 754 kB) (755 Kb)
Example: (zip, 11 kB) (  11 Kb)