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Course code Course name
SOW-PSB2BC10N Brein & Cognitie 2: Klinische Neuropsychologie (5 ec)
LET-TWM604 Cognitieve communicatiestoornissen ten gevolge van hersenletsel (5 ec)
LET-TWM403 Colloquium Series (5 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX12 Communication and Persuasion (6 ec)
LET-TWM405 Computer-Assisted Language Learning (5 ec)
LET-TWM-RTCF402 Corpus de français parlé et recherches linguistiques (10 ec)
LET-TWM-NTC403 Early language production and perception (5 ec)
LET-TWM-ETC406 English for specific purposes (10 ec)
LET-TWM-ETC401 English Grammars: Structure and Use (5 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX07 Example-Based Models of Language (6 ec)
LET-TWM601 Experimentele technieken (5 ec)
LET-REMA-LC1509 Explorative Data Analysis (6 ec)
SOW-DGCN18 First Language acquisition (6 ec)
LET-TWM-DTC402 Forschungstutorial für germanistische Sprachwissenschaft (5 ec)
LET-TWM-ETC405 Germanic languages: variation and change (5 ec)
LET-CIWM438 Global Corporate Communication (5 ec)
LET-TWM-ETC402 Global English (5 ec)
LET-TWM501 Internship Language and Communication Coaching (5 ec)
LET-TWM-ETC404 Introduction to Multimodal Analysis (5 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX22 Language and the Senses (6 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX18 Language and Thought (6 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX13 Language Contact and Language Description (6 ec)
LET-TWM409 Languages and society: variation and diversity (5 ec)
LET-TWM401 Language testing (5 ec)
LET-TWM-DTC401 Lernersprache in deutsch-niederländischen Textproduktionen: Forschung und Didaktik (5 ec)
LET-TWM410 Linguistic universals and diversity (5 ec)
LET-TWM600 MA scriptie TSP (30 ec)
LET-TWM400 Master's thesis (20 ec)
LET-TWM402 Methods in language research (5 ec)
LET-TWM-NTC402 Nederlands als tweede taal (5 ec)
SOW-DGCN43 Neurobiology and Genetics of Language (6 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX08 New Ways of Analyzing Syntactic Variation (6 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX14 Non-Nativeness in Communication (6 ec)
LET-TWM404 Optimality Theory: Stress Typology and Phonology in Action (5 ec)
LET-TWM-NTC404 Psycholinguistics: Understanding sentences and texts (5 ec)
SOW-DGCN17 Sentence Production and Comprehension (6 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX09 Sign Language and Bilingualism (6 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX17 Speech Comprehension (6 ec)
SOW-DGCN52 Structural Aspects of Language (6 ec)
LET-TWM-RTCS402 Temas de la lingüística hispánica (10 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX06 Text Mining (6 ec)
LET-TWM500 Thesis/Graduation project Language and Communication Coaching (20 ec)
LET-REMA-LCEX16 The Syntax-Sementics Interface (6 ec)
LET-TWM-ETC403 Topics in Second Language Acquisition (5 ec)
LET-TWM-RTCF403 Topiques dans la linguistique francais (5 ec)
LET-TWM-RTC401 Translation studies (5 ec)
SOW-DGCN19 Using and Acquiring Multiple Languages (6 ec)
LET-TWM602 Verdieping spraakstoornissen (5 ec)
LET-TWM603 Verdieping taalstoornissen (10 ec)
SOW-DGCN16 Word Recognition and Production (6 ec)