Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
The Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences’ (RIMLS) main aim is to achieve a greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease. By integrating fundamental and clinical research, it obtains multifaceted knowledge of (patho)physiological processes. It seeks to improve clinical practice and public health by:
- Generating basic knowledge in the molecular medical science
- Translating our gained knowledge into clinical applications, and into diagnostic, therapeutic and personalized treatment strategies
- Training and exposing researchers of all levels to societalrel- evant multidisciplinary research questions along the theme of understanding the molecular basis of disease.
The RIMLS accommodates research groups from the Radboudumc and Radboud University’s Faculty of Science. RIMLS aims to advance innovation in translational research, based on integrating diverse areas of scientific expertise within the molecular and medical sciences. Research is bundled into disease-oriented research themes from molecule-to-man in which we collaborate with the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences.
In line with the Radboudumc mission, RIMLS aims to have a significant impact on healthcare. It continuously tries to bridge the gap between science and society, by, for example, being involved in the development of novel diagnostics and therapies to treat rare and common diseases. RIMLS tries to involve patients and other stakeholders in the process as much as possible. Societal impact is at the core of its ambition and motto: today’s molecules for tomorrow’s medicine.
Esmeralda Blaney Davidson (Department of Rheumatology) |
Joost Hoenderop (Deptartment of Physiology) |
Martijn Huijnen (Centre for Molecular and Bio- molecular Informatics) |
Anniek van der Waart (Department of Laboratory Medicine) |