Overige filosofische cursussen op masterniveau


> Semester 1

> Semester 2

Semester 1

Cursus Cursuscode Studielast (ECTS) Periode
Philosophy of Religion FTR-THMA108 10 1 & 2
Masterseminar “What is Islam?”: An interdisciplinary exploration of the meaning of Islam FTR-RSMAI103 10 1 & 2
Evolution and the Mind NWI-FFIL202A 3 1
Environmental Ethics NWI-FFIL209B 3 2
Philosophy and Ethics in Microbiology NWI-FFIL302 3 2
Philosophy of Water Management NWI-FFIL212 3 2
Upgrading the Human? NWI-FFIL215 3 2
Imagining the Anthropocene NWI-FFIL216 3 1
Science and Values NWI-FFIL218 3 2
Philosophy of Neuroscience NWI- FFIL219 3 1
Power in Political Theory MAN-MPOL027A 6 1
Contemporary Debates in Political Theory MAN-MPOL028A 6 1 & 2
Urban Political Theory MAN-MPOL047 6 2
Bestuurlijke Ethiek MAN-MBK029 6 2
Work in the 21st Century + add on




1 & 2
Philosophy of International Law JUR-4SYSRF 7 1 & 2
The Good Life SOW-PWM160 4 2
Belang van het Kind: Rechten en Behoeften SOW-PWM180 4 1

Semester 2

Cursus Cursuscode Studielast (ECTS) Periode
Bio-ethics for Life Scientists NWI-FFIL203B 3 4
Physics and Philosophy NWI-FFIL211B 3 3
Science and Arts NWI-FFIL217 3 3
Rechtsfilosofie klassiek thema: Kant over godsdienst, recht en maatschappij JUR-4REFI 7 3 & 4
Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Law JUR-4KEYPHILO 6 3 & 4