Faculty of Science
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Annalisa Fasolino

Annalisa Fasolino 2015

Emeritus Professor
Chair: Computational Condensed Matter


Structure, electronic properties and dynamics of condensed matter, in particular:
  -  low-dimensional systems and nanostructures, carbon structures, graphene
  -  non linear dynamics at surfaces, friction at the atomic scale
My research was mostly carried out using advanced numerical methods and simulations.

I was involved in several activities meant to improve the gender balance in physics. In particular I had this task within the European COST MP1303, "Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction".

I was involved in the organization of the bachelor and master curriculum in physics offered by the educational institute WiNSt. This task is called 'opleidingcoördinator' in Dutch.
I was a member of the IMM educational commission.

I  taught the Bachelor course Portfolio and the Master course  Computational Physics

Publications prof. dr. Annalisa Fasolino