About the Faculty
Radboud University is the fruit of the emancipation process of Roman Catholics in The Netherlands in the beginning of the 20th century. Dutch Catholics sought to promote the emancipation of Roman Catholics in the Netherlands, who at that time were strongly underrepresented in public administration, the legal profession, medicine and other sectors. Acknowledging this background, the Faculty of Theology in Nijmegen practices theology from the perspective of emancipation. The faculty trains theologians to think for themselves, being faithful to the rich heritage of the Christian tradition (biblical exegesis and history of church and theology) and the faith experience (systematic and practical theology) of the worldwide Christian community.
History of the faculty
The Faculty of Theology was one of the three faculties that the Radboud University Nijmegen (then: Catholic University Nijmegen) started with. It was canonically established on 29 June 1923. Until 1964 the faculty offered only Master's and PhD programs in Theology, as most students finished a seminary training before they came to Nijmegen. When the seminaries closed in the 1960s, the Nijmegen faculty started its own 1st cycle in theology. In 1992, the faculty merged with the University for Theology and Pastoral Studies in Heerlen. With Philosophy and Religious Studies, Theology now belongs to the Arts and Humanities domain at Radboud University which has been ranked as a Top-100 University for the domain by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
Renowned theologians
Important theologians have been a part of our Faculty in the past. Their archives are still used today. Among them were for example:
- Bas van Iersel - professor of New Testament Exegesis;
- Edward Schillebeeckx - professor of Dogmatics;
- Sjef van Tilborg - professor of New Testament Exegesis;
- Tine Halkes - professor of Feminism and Christianity.
St. Radboud and Patron Saints
Since September 2004, the University's public name is Radboud University, named after the Saint Radboud, Bishop of Utrecht from 899 until his death in 917. The foundation that established the University in 1923 had already been named for Saint Radboud. In the Netherlands Radboud is the patron of Catholic scientific practice.
The patron saints of the University are: Thomas Aquinas, philosopher, theologian and general patron of the Catholic universities; Willibrordus, Archbishop of the Frisians, Apostle of the Lowlands; Servatius, Bishop of Maastricht and one of the first to preach Christianity in the Southern Netherlands; Petrus Canisius S.J., Nijmegen-born Doctor of the Church, whose world-famous catechism was published in 26 languages. The University also feels particularly connected to the Blessed Titus Brandsma O.Carm., former Professor of Philosophy and Mysticism and Rector Magnificus of the University.
Educational programs
Read more about our educational programs.