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Elisabeth Hense presents Research to Diocese

Date of news: 21 November 2019

Elisabeth HenseOn 20 November, Dr. Elisabeth Hense was invited by the diocese of Den Bosch to present a lecture about Titus Brandsma as a societally-engaged spiritual exemplar for pastoral workers, deacons, and priests.

Public Theology of Titus Brandsma

Dr. Hense gave a brief overview of Brandsma‘s life, his work for the emancipation of Catholic Friesland, and his commitment to Catholic education and journalism. In conclusion, Dr. Hense argued that Titus Brandsma is a public theologian avant la lettre, who reflected on the meaning of Catholic faith across many different audiences and contexts. In short, Brandsma argued persuasively for the ongoing presence of the Catholic faith in society by basing his arguments on the social teaching of the church, natural theology, and Dutch forms of mysticism.

Read more about Titus Brandsma

Read more about the Research of Elisabeth Hense