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Waarden in transitie

Jolanda van Benthem en Elisabeth Hense

Dr Elisabeth Hense and Jolanda van Benthem investigate central value configurations and critical success factors of Dutch initiatives of renewal in agriculture, seeking to answer the question how these initiatives contribute to the realization of more ‘fullness of life’ (Taylor 2007; Hense 2014). The starting point for their reflections is Dr Hense’s earlier publication Vernieuwingsinitiatieven rond eten, zorg en geld in Nederland – Een kwestie van spiritualiteit (Amsterdam: VU University Press 2015).

At present, we witness a change in mentality in the Netherlands, resulting in a transition of society. This transition process breaks down old constructs of power and allows new alternatives for communal life to emerge. The spiritual-ethical sensitivity of the pioneers establishing the new order appears to be crucial. Relevant questions are: Who are these people, how do they act, and what do they want to attain?

The results of this research will be published in Waarden in transitie – hoe de productie en de verkoop van voedsel in Nederland veranderen (to be published by Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel). The target audience for this publication includes (1) those who actively participate in practical initiatives with regard to new forms of food production and food trade or who would like to get involved; and (2) citizens who wish to learn more about the current turnaround of the Dutch society.

CSA's in Nederland (pdf, 1,6 MB) (december 2015)

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CSA in beeld

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