
The Titus Brandsma Institute operates in a large network of people, organizations and institutions that are all concerned with mysticism and spirituality. We are part of a large international community.


  • The Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis (BIS) is an open access database hosted on the online platform of Brepols, which offers scholars an updated academic bibliography (from 2007 onwards) in the field of Spiritual theology, Carmelite Studies and Theological Anthropology. Learn more.
  • The Spirituality Institute for Research and Education (SpIRE) was established in Ireland to serve the journey of life in its spiritual dimension and connection. It emphasises the value of the academic study of spirituality in higher education, and for the professions and the manifold areas of lived experience. INSS and SSN are initiatives taken by SpIRE). Learn more.
  • The International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS ) is a unique international network for people interested in bringing the study of spirituality to life through research, scholarship, education and practice. Learn more.

Centers and Institutes Engaged in Carmelite Studies

  • An overview of centers and institutes that are engaged in Carmelite Studies. Read more.