Journal | Studies in Spirituality

Since its initiation in 1991, Studies in Spiritualityhas become a crucial international voice in the study of spirituality. The journal is published annually by the Titus Brandsma Institute.

Latest publication: Studies in Spirituality 32/2022-2023

Studies in Spirituality 32 contains the following articles. A downloadable overview of the summaries is also to be found here. (docx, 25 kB)

SiS 2022/23 content:

Editorial 1
In memoriam Prof. Dr. Em. Kees Waaijman o.carm (1942–2023)
Rossano Zas Friz de Col
Experience and Transformation in the Christian Lived Experience – An Interpretation
Macario Ofilada Mina
Religatio as Process of Projection of Spirituality – The Act as Happening in Modality 35
Christoph Jedan 61
Death, Spirituality, and a New Contextualised Model of Consolation
Jane Foulcher 87
Marguerite Porete, Annihilation and Trauma – Some Cautions
Markus Riedenauer 101
Krise des Unverfügbaren – Zur spirituellen Relevanz von Hartmut Rosas Resonanztheorie
Diego Fonti & Rodrigo Baudagna 129
The Moth and the Fire – A Reappraisal of Levinas’ Thought on Mysticism and Suffering
Inigo Bocken 153
Mystical Not-Knowing as a School of Thought
Francesco Zannini 173
The Process of Islamization of Asia and the Role of Sufism
Robin Moens 191
In Christi charitate diligere studebat – The Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Mulieres Religiosae and Charity: a Secret Love?
Huguette Huyghe 217
The Rule of St. Birgitta of Vadstena – A Dynamic-Structural Analysis
Catharina Al 247
Language as a Unifier in Catherine of Siena’s Mystic Works
Krijn Pansters 287
Spirituality as Process – Four Dimensions of Following Christ in The Imitation of Christ
Ad Poirters 303
Liturgical Sources in De Imitatione Christi
Chloe Lynch 337
‘A Friend Even Though He is Lord’ – Teresa of Avila and the Soul’s Relationship with God
Benedict Shoup 353
John of the Cross’s Spiritual Senses Revisited – A Study in the Epistemology and the Interpersonal Dynamics of Spiritual Sensation in St. John of the Cross
Peter Puleo 375
Neque Nihil – Annihilation in Benet of Canfield’s Rule of Perfection
Roman Gruijters 399
La sainte indifférence in François de Sales, Père Joseph, and Jeanne de Chantal – Indifference as a Mystical Virtue and a Christian Way of Life
Michael Plekon 423
Merton: Stranger or at Home – Alternations and a Vision
Essays on Books 439
Book Notices 459
On the Authors 485